In the community of Dayalbagh, the people go far above the average PTA meeting. Every morning, community volunteers, ranging in age from three months to ninety years, come and work in the fields of a local university pulling weeds and tending to crops. They work for around three hours, starting before the sun has a chance to brighten their surroundings. Every morning they come and tend to the fields, working 365 days, not even breaking for holidays. Their spiritual leader even joins them and does his part in the fields. He currently is suffering from illness but still makes a point to work along side his followers. When it is time to quit, the volunteers receive specific lining up instructions and precede to await his guidance. First the mothers of children parade next to him teaching their young ones how important respect plays a role in their community. Next, their leader stands and is greeted by the lines of people bringing him gifts of thanks and reverence in hope to seek guidance through serious medical problems, birthdays, and new marriages. As each group is welcomed, he refuses all the gifts and then blesses each individual according to their respected group. Once this ceremony is finished the volunteers disperse and go about the rest of their day. Here in Dayalbagh, the community is the family and support system that leads and guides them through their time on earth, and nothing is more meaningful to them than the close-net connection this community shares.
The video below is of Dr. Vibha explaining how an Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) works.