Laura Ortega, a crop science major, participated in the Sustainability in the Euro Food System program in Gent, Belgium. Read along to find out her post-program thoughts!
Can you give us a brief description of your program?
This program combined lectures and excursions co-led by staff of the University of Gent involving the regulations and technological methods of the agriculture industry of the EU region that promote sustainability.
Topics included: biofuels, aquaculture, bio-resources, plant production, etc.
How did your international experience contribute to your academic development?
I have more knowledge regarding my field of study. As a future scientist of the agriculture industry, I believe the topic of sustainability is a key concept to research in order to move our society in a positive direction and help protect our precious planet. The European insights gained from the lectures of the scientists have enabled me to think more outside the box when dealing with global issues. I am excited to incorporate this new knowledge in my future classes.
How did your experience contribute to your personal growth?
I have become more independent and open minded. I was a very shy person and this experience has made me become a more outgoing. I have discovered that I love traveling to unknown places and meeting new people who can share with me their different perspectives of life. I feel like a butterfly who just gained her wings and is ready to take on the world.
Did the program influence your career path/goals?
I am certain that I have chosen the correct major. Every time I heard a lecture over plant science, I was so proud of having chosen such a fascinating field of study. It was such a great experience to study something I am passionate about in a foreign country.
The program made an impact on me that sustainability is now a crucial concept that will incorporate into my career and future research because I learned first-hand how much of a positive impact it can have.
I hope more students majoring in agricultural disciplines will go on this program. There are so many topics covering plant and animal production that would be beneficial to so many AFLS students!