By Alyssa Ferri
Over the May Intersession, I studied sustainability in the food system within Belgium. This trip provided me with lectures and field trips from a diverse range of subject matter as well as the ability to experience the city’s culture. Some of the lectures I attended included the use of constructed wetlands to treat municipal waste water, the chemistry of lipids, and policy issues in the European Union with agriculture. In addition to lectures, the group went on multiple field trips to experience the food system more in-depth. For example, we visited companies including a Passendale cheese factory, Ecotreasures (a company that uses a pulp, a waste product from juicing, to create other products including oils), and a winery in the countryside of Belgium. The field trips were very beneficial to me because that was the first time I was able to see mass production of food and understand how industry works. The combination of lectures and field trips kept the trip fun and exciting while enhancing learning because of the integration of topics. I believe that I have a more well rounded knowledge regarding sustainability and I am excited to apply the knowledge here in the United States!
While abroad, I was able to experience and have a good understanding of Belgian culture. One part that stood out to me the most was the food. In Belgium, the food was always very fresh and healthy. Even with fast food like McDonalds, the food seemed more healthy and vegetarian options, like veggie nuggets, were available. One of the foods that I was most excited to try were the waffles and they did not disappoint. They were freshly made and I ordered mine with Nutella and in season strawberries. They were wonderful! The city and all of the buildings in it were very beautiful. Ghent is hundreds of years old and the architecture of the city really reflects that with the giant cathedrals. Furthermore, the city is located along a canal where you can go on a tour to see the city from a different angle. Finally, at the end of the work day us and our Belgian hosts would go out to a bar for a Belgian beer. Since they are the same price as water (which isn’t free at restaurants!) many people would get one to end the day. This was a nice tradition because we were able to talk about the day or week while enjoying a craft beer which Belgium is known for.
Overall, this trip was very enjoyable and I highly encourage anyone interested in sustainability or food science to attend. The program had a great mixture of lectures, activities, and free time. The city is also very accommodating for anyone who is visiting Europe for the first time. If you every get the opportunity to visit Ghent, I highly recommend it!
Here is a photo of me on top of a castle located in Ghent.