This course will engage students in a study of the United Kingdom’s environmental and agricultural issues. While touring the U.K., the group will examine techniques used by public relations professionals and journalists to educate the public about these issues. Students will learn how producers in the U.K. grow their food, as the tour group travels to farming and agricultural research operations in both countries.
This new program offers cultural and academic experiences beyond learning in the traditional classroom. View the program flyer to learn more about excursions and highlights for this trip.
For more information about this program and how to apply, please visit the Bumpers College International Programs Office website.
England Adventures
By Autumn Brown One afternoon last fall, at my mentor's barbeque, I was talking about my summer plans to another professor, Dr. Clark. I casually mentioned to him that I was looking at internships and that I thought it would be amazing if I could intern...
Razorback abroad in Scotland
Hello, everyone! My name is Kylie Ehlers and I am Bumpers College of Agriculture, Food and Life Sciences graduate student. I am studying agricultural and extension education, with a focus in agricultural communications. For the summer of 2018, I am abroad in...
Studying Abroad: Take 2
After becoming fascinated by international agriculture following a faculty-led tour to Greece in summer of 2016, I wanted nothing more than to travel abroad again. This time, however, I joined a program that completely folded into my agricultural communications...