About Us
An educational experience outside the U.S. has become an integral component for today’s student in higher education. The ability to compete and perform in the global arena requires an understanding of world cultures, economic systems, religions, trends, governments and politics. Students in the Bumpers College are encouraged to engage in study abroad that will lead to life-long partnerships, cultural awareness and understanding of the global dimensions of their majors. The college years provide the best opportunity for students to gain this understanding and experience through faculty-led study tours; summer, semester or year-long study abroad; and international internships or research experiences which closely relate to their career goals.
The mission of the International Programs Office is to provide structured international experiences that enhance the marketability of students for career and academic opportunities through faculty driven, sustainable initiatives. The IPO serves to support faculty, students, international partners, and university leadership to increase opportunities for students to engage in faculty-led programs, internships, exchange programs, and study abroad activities that include research. The IPO articulates closely with the UA Study Abroad Office and seeks opportunities for students to engage in international career preparation and workforce ready development.
Friendship Abroad in Italy
By Lillian Stancil I first learned about the Reggio Study Program during my first tour of the University of Arkansas back in high school. Immediately, I knew that I wanted to participate in this program and that I would be calling the U of A my new home. Throughout my...
Italian Opportunities Amidst Cancelled Plans
Olivia Larson shares about how her original plans fell through, guiding her to an amazing experience in Italy!
Surviving in Challenging Times with Planting and Poultry in Belize
Ella-Fei Flesher shares about her trip to Belize in this post. She highlights service, culture, and fun for you to read all about!
Elephant Nature Park in Chiang Mai, Thailand
by Christina Lim The Elephant Nature Park in Chiang Mai was an experience like no other. The tranquil atmosphere of the surrounding fields and the herds of elephants and water buffalo casually strolling by was something I thought I would only experience through a...
Cultural Immersion and New Friendships in Belize
by Anna Kate Davis To be honest, I have been ruminating on reflecting on this trip for several months now, and I still feel like there is so much left to digest. The task of writing this blog discussing this trip is daunting, and I can only hope that I can do the...
Interning in Australia
This blog post highlights the experiences of Mary Claire Stewart while living in Sydney, Australia.
Diverse Peoples and Diverse Activities in Belize
This post highlights the experiences of Emory Johnson during his time in Belize on one of our faculty led programs. Read more about the unique “culture capital of Belize” as well as the various opportunities that Emory had to serve, explore, and learn!
Visiting Barcelona
By Cecilia Azar Julie and Julia has been my favorite movie since I saw it for the first time at 9 years old. Besides it being about one of my culinary icons, Julia Child, the main reason I love it so much is because it highlights Julia’s life attending culinary school...
Human and Animal Interactions in New Zealand
This post is highlighting one of our former Bumpers College student’s experiences from before the Covid-19 pandemic. By Allison Morgan As I chose to apply for the Human and Animal Interactions in New Zealand study abroad program, I knew it would be a great...
Spending the New Year in Belize
This post is highlighting one of our former Bumpers College student’s experiences from before the Covid-19 pandemic. By Mackenzie Harrell There I was in the middle of a village in Belize walking the dirt roads will a bag of medical supplies. It was the first day of...